Sunday, August 16, 2009


Friday James had his 6 month eye check. It started off as usual wait 30 minutes after your scheduled time, finally get called back wait another 15 or so minutes to actually see the Doctor. But this time it was worth the wait. The doctor does his usual eye exam with a few hmms. He then dilates James' eyes wait another 20 minutes, then the true eye exam, more hmmms and then after further testing and a second opinion from another Doctor his partner, the verdict, DRUM ROLL PLEASE! We no longer need glasses, yes you read it right his exam showed his eyes to be fine. How, not sure even the doctor was puzzled.

We go back again in 6 months or sooner if I think he is having trouble, such as squinting or any changes out of the norm. But to tell you the truth he has not been wearing them much these days to begin with. We put them on and he either takes them off shortly after 90% of the time or he looks over them. Which I mentioned to the doctor at the beginning of the exam. So for now one less battle. Now if we can conquer this eating stuff we are home free. We are so proud of him.