Sunday, April 6, 2008


So, Monday we went to our Neurology appointment. Which we do about every 6 months and to my understanding until James is 5 years old.

It went well, James did a great job with following through with the tasks she wanted him to do. She was very impressed with his weight gain, 24.7LBS. (YEAH) and with his overall development she said he is doing great especially for a 25 weeker.

There was also another doctor present during our visit who actually was one of the resident doctors for neonatology during my delivery. You tend not to forget faces or names of the people that helped save your child's life. He also was impressed and could not believe James was born at 25 weeks. That was so nice to hear, I welted up with tears. Not to mention our Neurologist has been seeing James since he was transferred over to Phoenix Childrens NICU on Thomas.

The Neurologist had James do some different things with blocks which he did well,he did have a little trouble with a few tasks, which I think is because he was being made to do it, because at home he does not show signs of struggle with similar tasks. She had him jump, hop which as you know from our last post we just mastered and he gets better every time. She also wanted him to jump off a little child's chair which he was reluctant to do rather it be lack of confidence or because I am always telling him to get off of the furniture and do not jump off.

She had him hold a crayon and draw a circle which he can not quite do yet , but he can draw lines. She was impressed with his speech and language and actually said it is pretty close to his appropriate age, WHAT! that has always been our biggest delay. With that being said she goes on to state that his fine motor skills are a bit delayed and not at his language level, WHAT!, that is definitely a new one. Any way all in all she was very happy, applauded me for a job well done and wants to see him back come October.

Whew, I actually left this appointment feeling good and chuckling about her new findings. I can not remember where she put him as far as age goes but when she sends her report I will post about her findings some more.

James is doing pretty well, in fact , yesterday he ate about a half of pepperoni pizza and while I began to cut it up into small pieces he shouted no cut UP!!! so the little champ ate bites while holding the whole pizza slice. I suppose since he watches us he wants to eat like us to. He has done this on several occasions, and usually does OK.

We talked to today about getting some big boy underpants and starting to really focus on using the potty, but for some reason this caused a major breakdown with tears and all, was it the word big boy or underpants that scared him. So I think I will hold off until summer when he can just be naked all the time.

Well that is it for now, because my (little) big boy is up from his late, long nap. But I am happy to report that I am just so proud and elated with the progress James is making, especially since having the feeding tube placed, I and others can tell a big difference in so many areas. of development. I never thought I would say I am so glad we did the feeding tube, But I am!


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