Thursday, May 15, 2008


As I posted a before, James was having trouble passing his hearing test in his left ear for his pre-school screening. Well, on Tuesday we followed up with the Audiologist, and even though he did not pass again, they had stated that it was mainly due to fluid and congestion(no infection) and recommended I take James to our pediatrician. So not one to procrastinate when it comes to James, I called our peds office and they got us in that day (Tuesday) and the Doctor said he needs ear tubes. That is all, which is really no big deal and the best of it is that James does not have major hearing loss. We still have to see the ENT on 5/21 but our pediatrician said that once the tubes are place and can open and drain the fluid he should be able to hear fine. YEAH!!!!

Now the GREAT NEWS, James has learned to ride his bike with training wheels. He got the bike this past x-mas from Grandma and Papa, back then he so wanted to ride it but just could not grasp the peddle function. So he actually would sit on it and turn the handle bars back and forth which would cause the bike to roll forward. So he probably thought that was how it worked and the peddles were to rest your feet. (so cute)! So with great practice, determination and patients from my husband, last week James mastered the peddles, and boy can he go.

My husband said when he first started he could slowly walk beside him, the next day a fast walk, then a jog and now you have to run to stay with him. He still is a bit unstable and likes to look behind him and at the back wheels, so he sometimes runs into things but for the most part he can steer, brake and peddle like the wind. We now have to get him a helmet, hmmm wonder how that will be.

The down side is that we live in ARIZONA and are approaching our triple digit weather. What to do.... So I was thinking our mall opens up early before the stores do so walkers and joggers can exercise in the cool indoors, I think I will try bringing James and his bike and see if they let us ride inside, I will try it all they can say is it is not aloud and I will figure something else out. What do you think?

I wish I could show you a picture of him riding but our camera broke. I do have it on video but have no clue how to loud that onto my blog any suggestions.

I am the proudest mother of a little boy with such, strength and determination who has no clue yet what a miracle he is.


Sunday, May 11, 2008


My 3 rd Mothers day, and I am the luckiest mommy. This morning we had breakfast at the park and after fed the ducks, played on the play ground a while, it was a nice morning. Yesterday James handed me my mothers day gift right when I walked in the door from work and said loud and clear, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, MOMMY LUV U..... That in itself was the best gift ever, but I also received a beautiful braclet that has the word mom on it, and 2 lovely cards especially from my husband, who I jokingly returned with did you read this card before you bought it, HA Ha, it was beautifully said. Then I got a migraine from out of no where and could not focus, nor hold my head up it was just throbbing in the back of my neck and head, so off to lay down after popping a few ibuprofen, I unfortunately missed going over to my Mother-in-laws because of this, but got a quiet 2 1/2 hour nap and woke up with just a slight twinge of a headache but functionable. Now James is napping and I am catching up on my blog and the blogging world.

Yesterday I had an amazing surprise, I receive this preemies today news letter in which I wrote a little blurb after them asking me, about our decision to have James's feeding tube placed, not knowing it was in this issue after reading the first few pages I turned to the next one and WOW! there was my baby and the article I wrote, it was exciting.

Any how I think I am going to rest a bit more and hopefully get rid of this headache all together, I think I may give the gift of massage to myself for Mothers Day!!!!

Happy Mothers Day To ALL.